Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Value of SE101

In this video, Barlet Jaji compares the value of SE101 to other entrepreneurship programs available in Kenya. His experience has been that SE101 gives participants a deeper knowledge and the practical skills needed to effectively run a business.

Over the past few months, the SE101 team has been working on updating the Resource Guide that Barlet shows in the video. For me, working on it was an opportunity to reflect on my entire Sauder MBA experience. Textbooks came off the shelf, and even my study notes from the Integrated Core came out of hiding. To strengthen the impact of the Resource Guide and to improve the effectiveness of the UBC and Strathmore students in delivering the content, Nancy Langton has also created an Instructor's Manual. Much like the SE101 program, the Instructor's Manual provides practical, step-by-step instructions for success and demonstrates the high level of support available to the participants.

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