Thursday, June 10, 2010

6 Year Old Joins Sauder School of Business Faculty (Sort Of)

Thomas was thrilled to be invited back to teach Swahili to this year's SE101 team at the Sauder School of Business. He became involved with fundraising last year, and has continued to be interested in Africa and in helping to create more jobs for Kenyan youth. This year, in addition to teaching, he has decided to fundraise for the SE101 team by selling artwork and t-shirts with his own designs, inspired by the work of Ted Harrison. Thomas is very excited to be going to Victoria on July 3rd to meet Ted Harrison in person to talk about art and SE101.

His art skills developed from a class project at Capilano Elementary School, an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme candidate school in North Vancouver.

You can see him wearing one of his custom t-shirts in this video. We're working on production plans for the shirts, and will post information about how to buy one on the blog soon.