Saturday, August 12, 2006

Drawing to a close

SE101:Africa has been quite an adventure. We have come a long way and have been very successful carrying out our objectives and doing each task that we’d prepared. But like all pilot projects there are definitely things that we know need to be altered or improved next year. Not major things, just small revisions to make it better next time round - this is standard for any project like this one, even important. One of these alterations involves time off. This project has been INTENSIVE! So intensive in fact that getting on the internet to write a blog is a serious challenge and sending an email home is almost impossible - time just doesn’t permit these little luxuries. Even after our work in Kibera is done for the day, the work for our team is only just beginning. The chores we need to do and preparation that needs to be completed to carry on the next day takes up every evening. Sometimes you forget to stop and take a breath and appreciate that we are actually here in Nairobi.

We are now drawing close to the end of this first project. And I for one, am emotionally, socially and physically exhausted. And although I think that overall I have had a good time, it’s sometimes hard to tell because we just don’t have the time to review what’s happened since we are so busy preparing what is still to come. This project has been a challenge, there have been many high points and a couple low ones too. So if you really want to know how the project has been, all I can really tell you is: ask me again when it’s over!

Posted by Sarah Malleson