Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back in Africa, Part 13 - "Feedback"

My philosophy is that I will ask a question even if I may not like the answer, provided that I receive good information. Now that we are slightly more than half-way through the program, I asked the class (including the facilitators) to write down and submit their feedback about the program to me anonymously. The two questions I posed were 1) What did you like about the program, and 2) What should we do better? For now, here are all the responses that have been unedited except for a few changes for clarification. I'll comment on the feedback in a separate blog:
  • The thought that I have is that the program is good for us cause we know all the processes and aspects of running a business I personally appreciate that but I would suggest if you can organize a guest speaker from a bank to come and tell us how the banks give loans and what criteria they use cause I think it is more to our advantage because these are the institutions we will approach to fund us after finishing the program. Otherwise I do once again appreciate what you guys are doing.
  • The program is good and I like Kirby's sacrifice and determination to see that everyone finishes their business plans. I personally appreciate and feel humbled by what Nancy and you are doing. God bless.
  • The workshop was eye opening. Interesting and makes one person think. More practical issues should be addressed.
  • Kirby - assist the facilitators on arguments by the class on particular issues of dispute because we waste a lot of time and sometimes go off topic. From Monday (sic the last week of the program) let us start writing the business plan so that we don't pile up everything to the two days we will be at the Cyber (sic cyber cafe). The facilitators to insist on looking at our work so that we are guided as we move on. The class is very interesting and all the facilitators including you Kirby are doing a great job.
  • The workshops have been wonderful and it has really opened my eyes to many things I never knew. I liked the interaction between the facilitators and the students and especially our chief facilitator Kirby show have shown a big deal of understanding. What I didn't like is when some of the participants were trying to (confuse) each other with things that never related to the topic of the day and hence drifting away the whole group resulting to a waste of time. I with time could be extended to have longer discussions.
  • I like the way ur teaching us - Kudos to that. The way ur providing sweets for us - ur motivating our moral to answer more questions. That's good. Let's improve our time. If it's 8:00 am let it be 8:00 am.
  • I think you guys are doing a good job. Just to encourage you to keep it up. Maybe encourage more support for one another after the workshop.
  • When we answer we get a candy it makes people want to answer and be attentive. It's better when we answer the questions to our fellow colleagues. It shows we are learning and can teach. We don't remember to put God first. We should be praying at the beginning, tea break, and when we dispatch. Am enjoying ma self. Hope you too.
  • The programme has been very educative in that I have learnt many things that I never knew. It was inspiring since I learnt to always look at the bright side no matter what the situation. Thank you Kirby for the sacrifice you made to come all the way. May God bless you. By the way, Kudos to all the facilitators, too.
  • We should have some time to discuss our business fears and how we can solve them to be successful. Time of discussions to relax under the tree or on grass to change the class environment esp after break. Have some time for interaction to encourage team building. Get info on how we can study at the University of British Columbia and if we can get scholarships. Have follow-up programme to stay in touch and know how the training as been helping us.
  • It has been a great experience. Keep it up! I suggest we should have prizes to the best students whose who were very active. Thanks all facilitators. Keep it up. I have known financial plan. How to do market survey. Thanks for every time. I hope the last day will be great wonderful lunch.
  • Things I like. I like the learning. The group is one of a kind. The interaction makes you learn social cohesion. Things you think we should do: I think we should spent extra hours to learn better than to rush thro' topics.
  • The experience is great. I am personally learning new things everyday from everyone as they learn from me too. One thing that we should really control is the many discussions within a discussion. It's the only thing that grieves me. Lastly, may this program continue all over. It's so great!! God bless.
  • The speaker/facilitator taking us through a topic should always ensure the class remains within topic at hand. Class is interactive and many ideas are generated. More Q&A sessions should be set up.
  • I appreciate that am learning a lot from this workshop from Kirby and the crew, the interest they have, to listen to a question or comment posed to them. The workshop is a good idea, am also getting inspired from real life stories and am also educated in the sense that now I know what kind of CSR I would do for my company. To me it's a God given opportunity meeting so many people with different ideas that have really contributed to my business plan. I have also learnt basic business management, loans & cash investments. To me I have no comment on the things not done because today I am many steps ahead in terms of business, money & the leverage part of it. Thank you Kirby and your team. God bless you indeed.
  • I like the different stages of learning the Marketing part, the financial part and also presenting your business plan. People are given opportunities to air their views. Things I didn't like - people discussing more of an issue that is out of topic.
  • The programme needs to be not once a year but at least twice a year so that many people could benefit from it especially those who didn't join the class of 2008. The business plan booklet that we are given needs to have more pages for more explaining. It limits the business planner to express the business further. Honestly I have appreciated the Resource Guide and also the Homework Booklet. Kirby has been great. A good speaker, easy to understand and he should come again.
  • The people here are friendly and supportive. The facilitators are very helpful in all the workshops that we have covered. People should learn to whisper especially (sic another student). People should learn to listen to others when they are talking and not to intrude without permission and by shouting. Are we really going to finish typing the business plan in 2 days? What if one doesn't finish? Then what?
  • Being that I have carefully surveyed the market, I know what business will be like but because of it being on the higher side financially, may be you could link some of us with potential business like for me VESTAS or another other organization thinking at expanding into Kenya.

Posted by Kirby Leong

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